Thursday, April 2, 2009

Back to work!

Well, happy April! The exciting part is that I think April is a great month of the year. You get these glimmers of warm weather, but the chill is still in the air. The cold months have not stopped me from getting outside and Eli just enjoys the fresh air. He told me this, didn't you know?

The sad news of April is that I'm headed back to work in less than a week. One thing is for coworkers are looking forward to it. To some extent so am I. BUT, the great debate in my brain is leaving my perfect little boy. Didn't you know he is perfect? Don't tell him as we don't want him to get a big ego to go with his big self.

Yes, I'm looking forward to interacting with grown ups every day and having some bit of a routine. Although we have a pretty good one right now, but there is something about getting up, showering (that may be optional), coffee, dressing myself, and then hopping in the car only to return in 10 hours. However, the bummer part to this is that we have to leave Eli with a stranger that will watch him grow up. This is the part I don't like. Although a wise mother has told me that the best way to get through this next part is to think quality and not quantity. Eli will be enjoying quality time with his mom and dad and not quantity. Besides...we're boring anyway.

As practice for myself, I've already started the anxiety attacks, crying, and serious questioning about whether this place is good enough for my perfect little boy. Hopefully, by the time I do leave him next Wednesday, I will have shed all of my tears and only feel the anxiety about whether this place is good enough for him. However, his wise Daddy has assured me that if we don't like it...we'll go somewhere else. How about next to my desk?

Anyway, the happy stuff. Eli has been great. He has growth days every once in a while and those are usually the tougher days for him. Today the sun is shining, he is sleeping from about 7:30pm through to 7:00am with one meal during the night, and he generally likes to laugh and hang out with people. Be forewarned, if holding him...face him out becuase he likes to look out rather than over your shoulder or at you. Little bugger makes me find every mirror in the house.

There is another part to me going back to confirms that in deed ...he is growing older. Three months on April 14th. Who gave the little rascal the permission to do that?

Well, this post is more conversational and updating you all rather than a story about one of our recent developments. It also appears that I'm averaging a post a month. That may be good or bad depending on if you enjoy reading my blabber. One of my goals as I get used to this motherhood stuff will be to write more, but everything is baby steps. I just recently started running again and that too requires baby steps.

Like Eli, Scott and I are growing into this parenthood stuff too. Baby steps!

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