Lately Erin has been wondering if there is anything going on in side her growing waistline. Aside from theses subtle sensations to her bladder that serve as friendly reminders..."Oh you'll have to go again", there really aren't these popcorn sensations or butterflies that you read about. Those were suspected a few weeks ago (about 4-5) and then quiet. Luckily the ultrasound and heart rate monitor at the last doctor's visit confirmed that things were fine. Since then....Quiet.
After a short work week, she was upstairs catching some quiet time from the dogs and day and suddenly....a thump. Then another...and another...and another...and another. "Scoooootttt". Since he was in the middle of a cooking extravaganza out on the back porch, she took the kick show on the road, grabbed the reclining outdoor chair and plopped her self on the back porch for Scott. It got a little quiet at that point.
Just before bedtime, she could feel the little mover and shaker in there boxing around. Then bedtime. Scott quickly went off to dream land even before his head hit the pillow. Erin, the usual reader before bedtime, took to reading the weekly news columns.
If any of you are familiar with the Race for the Cure, you'll probably know that the tee shirt typically has an image of a running character on the front of it..usually in pink and some other color. Now close your eyes and imagine that the legs on the running characters start moving, almost as if they are running in their own version of Race for the Cure. Only this time, it isn't your movement that is giving this image because you're lyeing flat on your back. Yes, 'tis the movement from inside that is the culprit. The shirt practically jumped off my body running this imaginary race.
Erin tried to get Scott to come back to life, but with little success. Only until this morning when the dogs starting singing the Shaftsbury Opera #9, did he have a second opportunity. He asked, "What is this kid doing in there?" Which is where we ask the question....Can you guess what Baby McEnaney is dreaming or imagining? If you're not into commenting on the post, look to the column on the right to vote which activity Baby Mc. is doing.
I want tickets to the opera!!!!
I voted for the wrestling with the dogs. I mean, its not like the child will have a choice anyway.
Good day, Mom and Dad to be. Good day, Squidgy. I think that Squidgy has been listening to the games while Mom is napping and Dad is watching the game. Little league is far in the future, but for now, Squidge is comparing himself to Pedey. They are both the two little guys with the big bats.
So, there you have it. Baseball it is!
In keeping with the baseball theme...just wait...soon he will be jumping up and down when the wild card is clinched, and then it is off to the post season.. Each game will bring more jumps...Get ready!
ask me agout Erin's own circus act in utero 30 years ago. Did I say 30? Ask about the day she pinned me to the couch. Little Squidgy is just doing what little Squidgy's do to pass the time away.
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