Thursday, September 18, 2008

Naming a child...

Most of you can appreciate the serious business behind naming a child. Whether it is a dog, a bird, a child, or a cat, there is a lot to consider. You don't want to screw this one up because you can potentially risk years of raised eyebrows. AND, more importantly, the child (whether two or four legged) risks harassment and name calling that may effect the child's self confidence.

For instance, I named a cat...KAT. When I share Kat's name with new people, I often face the raised eyebrow. The cat, gets looks too and I really think that this has impacted him.

What most don't know is that I got the name from the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. Holly Golightly, played by Audrey Hepburn, named her cat "Kat" because she couldn't possibly name a cat something until the animal told her what the name should be. The cat in the movie has a striking resemblance to Kat. They are both yellow tabby cats. Only difference is there was some degree of inbreeding in my cat which makes him an interesting topic of conversation and an easy target for people. He is a little slow. Could it be from his name? I don't know. He never told me.

SO, I hate to bring politics into Baby McEnaney's life so soon, but this isn't so much politics as it is a fun piece for you to enjoy too. Click on the link below to visit the "What would you be named if Sarah Palin were your momma?" site. It is another blog, but I know you'll enjoy it. You can get your name translated. And if you have favorite names that you would like to call Baby McEnaney or your own child (two or four legged), place the name in the box and click and you'll see what the name would be translated to in the Palin family.

Some of you know that in addition to us not knowing what we are having, we are also not sharing names. avoid the raised eyebrow and nicknames before baby McEnaney arrives. Besides, some of you have requested not to know. You can't tell one and not the rest...somewhere the secret will be leaked.

We are taking suggestions. If you would like to suggest your original name for Baby McEnaney, please go ahead and suggest. We can not guarantee that we'll take your advice!


Timothy said...

My moose burger loving mamma would have named me Spoon Archer Palin.

My real name is so boring.

Betty McEnaney said...

Naming a child...Well, there is the Sarah Palin method. I am not sure we live far enough north for that one (thank goodness).

Perhaps I am getting old, but I have a hard time with unisex names. If I see a name on paper, personally, I like to know whether I am reading about a male or a female.

I always feel bad for those who have to explain their name their name for their entire life. I always wonder if they curse their parents every time they have to do it.

I know that with Orvis there is a strong connection to things that have gills and wings, but I might recommend that you avoid names like Brookie, River, Blue, Finn, Fern, Feather, Chukkah, or any variations thereof.

Spelling is an issue. I also recommend avoiding a name with 14 varaitons...Caitlin, Caitlyn, Katelyn, get the idea.

So, with all the good advise you are going to get could you possibly choose? We will all be surprised, and I can't wait...

Love from your mooseburger loving mamma!

Anonymous said...

Bubba Ray Mcenaney or if it's a girl....drop all the given names and go with the single word name, like.... Cheroke. I know there will be no more comments after this as I have obviously hit the nale right on the head with these two suggestions. I'm going to do the palin thing now... by the way I saw a photo today and I must say, "N"-thing is looking perfect!

Anonymous said...

I just got Palinized...
I'm Sport Grunt Palin

Gotta love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon?! You're not going to stick with Squidjee?!

Anonymous said...

AH, SO glad to hear that someone else doesn't want to share names, when I don't discuss names, people assume that we don't have ideas and then spout off all their ideas. I just don't want to divulge. I like to pick names based on what we want and like!!

Anyhew, I will have to think about suggestions, one of my favs for Amelia was my brothers suggestions, Alexander the Great White. White is much easier to play with. Brian is telling people Snow if its a girl and Kong if its a boy... Good thing its not just up to him!

Oh, and I agree with Gram's thoughts.