Thursday, August 28, 2008

Boy? Girl? January 1 or 20? 6lbs or 7? You pick

All of you have been itching at your desks to get in on this action. If you haven't already made up your mind, you will have to start thinking long and hard about what is growing in Erin's belly. is growing. Last measurement of my adjusting waistline...32 inches. at 34 inches. Do you think it could be possible that she'll surpass him? I would say so!

SO, here starts another great challenge. Sound the trumpets....The Baby McEnaney Sex, Weight, and Birthday contest has officially begun. To streamline things a bit and to bring this challenge into the new millenium, we've opted for a blog. Yeah, a few years ago I too thought that these blog things were some hidden area of the universe. Consider yourself in the know!

Also, to prove that there is officially a baby growing inside, we've included the ultrasound pics. The top one is the face (for you ultrasound image challenged individuals). The bottom one is the cute little feet that we'll be obsessing over in a few short months.

It has been requested that we include "pertinent information" by the Uncles to be. Here goes:
Starting weight (strictly a guess or what is on my license as a default): 110 lbs.
Last recorded weight: 123 lbs.
Estimated date of conception: On a need to know basis and, frankly, you don't need to know!
Estimated due date: January 13, 2009
Adjusted: No adjusted due date as of yet. Ultrasound tech estimated January 5.
Did Erin and Scott arrive on time?: Erin...was a scheduled C-Section. Scott, considering he is always 10-15 minutes early for everything...take a guess.
When are entries due?: Entries are due by October 16 (Big Daddy McEnaney's 30th) and no later than 4:28:03pm.

We'll post often and as we can learn more about the blogging world, we'll also post some other fun stuff, but like you...we're new to this BLOG WORLD. Happy blogging you crazy blogger-ramas?

To post your vote, simply...Hit "Comment" just below. Please include your name, the gender, the weight, and the date of birth. More important information. Since seeing that the comments didn't default to show to everyone, you will also have to hit "Comment" to view all of the comments. Once submissions have been made, we'll do a post so everyone can view each other's submissions.


Anonymous said...

First let me say how exciting this is. When I read the blog I had a the most wonderful feeling of connection form with my n-thing. I can't wait!!
I would like to request some pertinent information...
Starting weight, last recorded weight, date of proposed conception,(no details of how thank u), original due date, adjusted due date, food cravings. History of mom and dad: who came early,late,on time etc.
This information would be most helpful and could be used by all.
When is the due date for all entries?
Uncle Eric

Timothy said...

Yeah, I agree with Eric. We need a bit more information before we post our entries.

Oh, and thanks for the 'tilt your head sideways' info when looking at the top ultrasound picture. I had no idea what i was looking at until you said to do that. I actually jumped a little bit when i made the connection.

Betty McEnaney said...

In the interest of getting the ball rolling, I am willing to cast the first entry. I am going to go out on a limb...Baby Boy McEnaney will arrive early (taking after his father) on December 31st. He will weigh in at 7 lbs, 4 oz. Like his mom, he will be a good napper from the start :).

So...all the rest of you...come on!

Timothy said...

I'm not ready to make vote yet. But just to throw people off a bit, i figured i would share this link:

Anonymous said...

Crystal and I think it is going to be a boy, 6lbs 7 oz, and born on 1/11/09.

Anonymous said...

Great Grandma McEnaney asked that I make a post for her vote. It is as follows.

" I want to put my bid in for Dec 22, 6 pounds, girl.
Your father was supposed to be born in January."

What great fun!

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm gonna go with a Boy, born on January 2,2009. He will be 7'2. And did I mention that I am sooooo happy for you both!!

Timothy said...

Ok, I waited till the max.

I'm going with:

Friday, January 2nd.


7lbs, 3oz

At the very least, I'm hoping its before i need to go back to school. Classes start on the 6th.

So Erin, keep that in mind please.

Anonymous said...

Here's Grammy Potter's prediction:

Girl January 1 6 lbs 11 oz.

Betty McEnaney said...

Hey Uncle Tim....Boy or Girl?

Baby Mac's parents...How about extending the date to 12/1 and a new email blitz....I think we have folks who haven't chimed in!!! Bruce, Deena, Ray, Dagny...who else?

gramp/grampa/grampy said...

January 4th


7 lbs 9 oz

Anonymous said...

I am going with Boy, Jan 3rd, 6 lbs 15 oz


You'll prolly have youre before I have mine!

Can't believe how close it is!

Betty McEnaney said...

In looking at the dates, I believe there are only two still in the running....Grampa-to-be McEnaney for TODAY, and Ryan and Crystal for the 11th... Wow, you had us all fooled!