Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy Halloween

In celebration of Halloween, I'll share a short story of freakish belly movements. I find this appropriate seeing as our poll just expired and you all had an opportunity to vote on what you think Baby McEnaney is doing in Utero. But first, the freakish and spooooooky tale.

It was a cold and dark October evening. Mostly cold because we don't turn the heat on. (WE DON'T LIKE OIL). I was sitting at the desk, much like I'm sitting here now, with only the lamp to light my key strokes.

At first it was a swish. I looked around. Then a thump. Heart pounding, I felt it again. ON BOTH SIDES OF MY BELLY. "Scoootttttttt", I howled. There was no answer. "Scottttt". Finally an answer. "What?". "Come here!", I demanded. "In a minute dear." (I added the dear for effect).

Scott came in the office to see me sitting at the desk with my shirt pulled up over my belly. "Watch!" He put his hand on my belly at first, and I said "NO, watch." Scott stood there with anticipation of what was going to happen. I sat there hoping that it would happen.

At first it was a nudge to the inside of my belly. THEN, like something was trying to get out or switch position, there was a FULL LIMB that moved across the side of my body. Scott jumped 3 feet from me in fear that it might reach out and suck him inside. (God I hope not, because that would be a lot to haul around).

Scott said that really freaked him out. I think he'll come back for more. I'll make him. Who wants to miss this stuff anyway?

So that is my Halloween tale.

Although there are 4 days left for you to vote on what baby Mc. is doing inside, early polls show that he/she is using the umbilical cord as a bat and is trying to mimic Dustin Pedroia. There is a tie between training for a marathon and wrestling with Ghillie and Diesel. I guess no one thinks this kiddo is going to be a trapeze artist. Phew.

Check the new poll to vote on what the Halloween costume should be.


Anonymous said...

Finally I get to read your blog! I am super excited, I was not given the link until now, and even though I should be good at finding things, I was having No luck!

I will leave more comments as I read, but I am glad to get to see how you are doing, and can't wait to see you on Sunday!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and how about having just 2 months left?? Mixed blessing, nice to be almost done, excited to get to meet baby soon, but I don't know about you, I have a TON of stuff I have to do before baby is born!

Hope all is well!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha, Ok, I will try and stop commenting, but there was a just a birth annoucement on the intranet at work, and I had to share the last line:

"All are doing well. The baby is happy and heathy and "1000% times easier than the dog"..."

see, you are all set! :o)